Autoload feature

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How does the autoload folder work

The BNR Controller will SCAN the 'autoload' directory and if a scene is found it will copy the scene into the 'build' directory

The BNR Client will use this sequence (with error checking to confirm the file was copied)

1. Copy scene file to autoload (scenename.tmp)
2. Rename to @username@scenename.lws
3. BNR Controller will load scene
4. BNR Controller will rename to scenename.0000 (where 0000 is the error number if any)

BNR Commands (lws files only)

Add the commands to the end of the lws file

Change the folder directory:
BNR_ContentDir R:\NetRender\ContentFolder

Set the frames per node:
BNR_FramesPerNode 2

Set the Owner name:
BNR_Owner UserName

Set Priority Level (1=low,2=normal,3=high,4=take over):
BNR_Priority 1

set the group of the scene (will set both group1 and group2): BNR_Group 1

If your version supports Split Frames:
Set to number of frames to split (0-100)
0 = no split frames:
BNR_SplitFrames 0

Set if using the Camera Mask:
BNR_SplitFrameCameraMask 0

Set Overlap pixel:
BNR_SplitFrameOverlapPixel 0

Flag to delete split image parts after the full frame is created:
1= yes, 0 = No
BNR_SplitFrameDeleteParts 1