Digital Fusion

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The overall process of setting up 'Fusion' with ButterflyNetRender is very straight forward:



  • 1. Install Fusion locally on all the Windows Rendernode machines (in the same location on all machines)
  • 2. Set the Install paths in the BNR Controller (see next step)


Configure paths and settings in BNR Controller:

In the BNR Controller:

  • 1. Turn on the 'Digital Fusion (consoleslave)' platform: (Options->Configure->Select Platforms)

(if the name is missing you need to add the rendertype cfg file below)

(download the updated 'File:Rendertype18 dfconsole.rfg' file and place into the 
BNR install folder - (you will need to rename to rendertype18.rfg or a different number that 
is not used)- Make sure the Controller is not running when you replace the file)- 
  • 2. Set the location of the 'ConsoleSlave.exe' (the local path on each Rendernode) (Options->Configure Platforms - Digital Fusion)
  • 3. Confirm you have the correct command line settings
check here for more info on the command switches for 'consoleslave'

Plugins: The renderslave will not use the fusion plugins directory. So you need to add the plugins to the renderslave directory.


Restart the BNR Controller.


Now add Fusion scene file for rendering:

After you add the scene - you will need to:

  • 1. Select the Frame range (Output Tab)
  • 2. Select the priority settings for the render thread

Make sure you add the scene from the Shared Network folder (that all the rendernodes have access to - otherwise the rendernodes will not be able to load the scene)


The best way to test a to confirm the setup is working:

  • 1. Make sure Fusion is installed on the controller (in the same location as the RenderNodes)
  • 2. Add a Fusion scene into BNR
  • 3. Select the 'Render' Tab
  • 4. Press the 'Test Render Command" and then press 'Launch Locally'

This will run the same command the Rendernodes will get - but you will get to see more information directly. You will need to check the 'Task Manager' to see if the Nuke is running in the back ground

  • Right click on the Scene and a select "Open Scene Trace Log folder" and you should find the output text "Render_*.txt" - Please open with notepad to view the text.

(note if you see *.csv files - these are BNR Controller state flows)