LW Groups

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You can setup different versions of Lightwave in BNR by using the LW Groups features

Select Which Group to use:

In the BNR Controller (Options->Configure->Groups)
select which Group you would like to use to associate a Lightwave version to.


LW Group Wizard:

Now select the 'build' option to start the wizard:

Select the version:


Select the Installed folder:


Confirm the paths are correct


Select the output shared folder (This is the root folder)


Now confirm everything looks correct:


Now you can start the copy process - where all the files will be copied to the shared folder
and the plugins will be setup in the cfg files.

If all goes well - you should get this complete:

File:Lwgroup8 complete.png

NOTE: - You will get this error if you didn't first scan the lightwave plugins in layout:


Override the LW Group settings in LightWave Scene:

Now to select the LW Group to use for rendering:

 this will give you the ability to use this version for any Lightwave scene in any 
 group - not just the one created.

File:Lwgroup9 rendertab.png

Make sure you set the 'new shell' option in the Options->Configure LightWave - so a new shell
can be created when rendering